Tuesday, January 29, 2013

BBC National Orchestra of Wales Instrument Family Introductions

Have you guys come across these?!  I'm working on putting things together for my 1st Grade Instruments of the Orchestra Unit and wanted to see what YouTube had to offer.  And I came across 2-3 minute videos of each family section.  They are simple and briefly play most of the instruments of each section.  A gem of a find, in my humble opinion!



Monday, January 28, 2013

WOW! Where did I go?!

Hello all my fellow blogging friends!

I know it's been a while since I've written here, but holy cow!  Over 3 months is ridiculous!  I had a goal of blogging something once a week!  ...I think I fell a little short....  I only dream to be like all my fellow music educators out there who blog almost daily.  I don't know how you do it! 

So...here I go again, trying to attempt to get the ball rolling again.  This week I will try to blog about the following topics:

4th Grade Recorder Centers!
3rd Grade Pentatonic Compositions (on Finale Notepad!)

Gosh, that seems crazy...2 topics in one week, I know, I know.  I don't want to get too crazy!  Ha!

I figure if I declare it to you out there in cyberspace, I might actually follow through with it!  I believe my actual problem is the taking pictures portion.  I forget to get my camera out and then actually snap a shot of all the awesome things my kiddos are doing.  They're amazing and I want to brag about it with y'all!

Hopefully see you sometime this week!