
Sunday, July 27, 2014

Music In Action Bulletin Board Set

So in my classroom tour from a couple of years ago, many you have inquired about this! Where can I get your music in action form? Right?! Well, I finally got my act together and made a whole bulletin board set for you!

An example of how you could use the set!
The whole idea is to celebrate when your kiddos come to you and say something like..."Mrs A! I played on ___ website last night!" Or..."I looked up ___ video on YouTube to show my mom/dad." So, how do you recognize that your students pursue music outside of your class? I came up with the Music In Action bulletin board to do just that! You can use it for a year round bulletin board or for a monthly focus like Music In Our Schools Month! I personally have it up year 'round on a large bulletin board so I can recognize it year 'round. I also put up any musical pictures that they draw from me up there too. Because you always get those, right?! I hope you enjoy this and you can find a way to use it in your class!

You can get this set at my TpT store!  Check it out!

The set includes lettering, 4 musical kids, and the form that kids use to fill out for your bulletin board!  Let me know if you have any questions, requests, or suggestions!  Thanks!

1 comment:

  1. I wish I would've seen this a year ago when I was setting up my "Music in Action" bulletin board. Yours is definitely cuter than mine ever was :) By the way, I'm your newest follower on TpT. Your store looks great!
